Pantyhose Scissor Pain!
Fightbabe Robin Adducts Her Practice Dummy!
Member's Preview #1 Member's Preview #2Robin uses Alex as her Head Scissor Practice Dummy. She barely squeezes before this wimp starts tapping! Robin only wants to practice using her adductors, isolating them and not engaging her quads, hamstrings or glutes! This allows just light compression of the carotid arteries but Alex cannot even take the lightest of pressure. Fightbabe Robin has the most impressive scissors in the business. She is a true Scissor Specialist! Robin also adds a little pranayama breath practice at the end of this short clip to add to the health benefits of compression and breath play and for her own amusement! You, too, can experience the health benefits of Robin's Scissors and Pranayama Play! Just book a Session!V898 Pantyhose Scissor Pain! Robin Adducts Her Practice Dummy!