Demolishing the Dummy!

Fightbabe Robin Demos Biff the Dummy


$26.99-DVD-- -----------------nnn--- ---- -- --21 minutes

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V870 Demolishing the Dummy! Fightbabe Robin Demos Biff the Dummy

Fightbabe Robin is not too happy about this isolation due to the pandemic! She has not been on the mats with Steve, Vlada, or any of her session clients and it is making her irritable! So, Robin decides she is going to do a little demonstration and take out her frustrations on Biff the Dummy! Fightbabe takes to the mats and explains her various techniques. She demolishes poor Biff with devastating holds! Chokes, scissors, and your basic beatdown are in order. Fightbabe Robin delights in explaining the torment she is causing and will cause YOU when she is back to sessioning and sees you on the mats!!!

Free Demo Clip (Download a Free .wmv version HERE)


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