Fight For Mount Position!

Kristiana vs Alex


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V816 Fight For Mount Position! Kristiana vs Alex

Training to maintain Mount Position, Alex and Kristiana engage in a contest!  Whoever can keep his/her opponent for 20 seconds in mount position gains a point.  The first to gain 5 points wins the contest.  This is not an easy thing to do.  We flipped a coin, Kristiana won so she sat in a mount pin on Alex, the contest begins.  If Alex can roll to his stomach and escape the pin, he then takes control and the contest begins again.  This becomes more and more difficult as the opponents tire.  Robin is the referee and clearly has a favorite but she is very fair.  This contest lasted 37 minutes with a clear winner!!!  We will shoot more of these in the near future.  Try it at home if you think it's easy!!

Free Demo Clip (Download a Free .wmv version HERE)


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