
Skylar Rene vs Lisa Comshaw


$38.99-DVD-- -----------------nnn--- ---- -- --31 minutes

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Description of V548 Demolished! Skylar Rene vs Lisa Comshaw

Skylar Renee and Lisa Comshaw go at it after Lisa's thrown down the challenge! Skylar weighs in at 155 lbs & has a muscular, athletic build! Lisa hasn't been training like she should be but thinks she can rely on her wrestling ability. She offers some good defense and gets a couple of holds but nothing that Skylar can't fight her way out of. Skylar gets several submissions and 2 KOs! This is a really entertaining match... Especially when Lisa cries out, "I'm Done"! We were all stunned! But I told Lisa to finish the match!!! Afterall, she made the challenge!

Free Demo Clip (Download a Free .wmv version HERE)


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